Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Starting today

Starting out today with my daily dose of life. I am starting a blog for the third time and let me see if i will be "Third time Lucky".

What did i create this blog for? I dont know. I did start the earlier blogs with something in mind, for example my blog Management for Entrepreneurs was started off with my idea of sharing management realities and experience of small and medium scale industries and what happened - I got a comment from a robot inviting me to join a dating website, WOW i would say rather than not having anyone comment on my first blog. So this time I have decided not to have any "Ideas" for the blog but be commited to atleast make a post a day.


Mallik Reddy said...

Hey I like the title of your blog. Dose of Life. Good luck with your third attempt.

Kirubakaran A said...

Best wishes da!

I typed 'Good luck da!' and deleted it coz sticking to a thing and making it a success is a product of self-discipline and such personal qualities rather than luck right?

So, "All The Very Best" da :)


Kirubakaran A said...

so u have turned on word verification to eliminate comment spam?