Thursday, October 27, 2005


I was looking for a guideline for my efforts to bring change in my company and like the saying goes " when the student is ready the teacher appears" the rss feed from How to save the world came up. Hope to make good use of it.

  1. Save our breath, stop trying to tell and convince people, and instead show them -- by creating working models of communities in which people are a harmonious part of all life in those communities, living in balance with a light footprint. The woman rap poet in Toronto who says she's tired of 'environmentalists' coming into her urban neighbourhood talking about the importance of planting trees, when that neighbourhood is full of angry young people with no job prospects drawn to the promise of wealth and glamour in local drug gangs, is absolutely right not to care about the-environment-as-other.
  1. Use the arts (including film and photography) to convey the message, since they are not constrained by the limits of language. As an example, there's a song by James Taylor called Gaia which includes the passage below. Unless you know the song, these lyrics probably won't have any impact on you, but few people who have listened to the song are unmoved by its soaring melody and brooding harmonies, which 'say' much more than the words and open people up to its message:
Turn away from your animal kind,
Try to leave your body just to live in your mind,
Leave cold cruel Mother Earth behind -- Gaia,
As if you were your own creation,
As if you were the chosen nation,
And the world around you just a rude and dangerous invasion.
Explore some inventive linguistic ways of expressing new (and ancient) ideas with everyday words. In yesterday's post, for example, I was playing with hyphenated words as a means of trying to convey concepts that defy clear one-word _expression: I used 'engaged-as-part' as an adjective to describe awareness (instead of 'integral') and 'being-a-part-of' as an adjective (instead of 'holistic') to describe human activitythat is not automatic, disconnected information processing activity.

1 comment:

Kirubakaran A said...

Now that you know what to do, WHEN are you going to do it?